something about me that i wanna share with my friends.
My real name is khairul **** bin *****
Dan nama ak yang lain ataupun yang dikenali oleh orang lain adalah fizan,hairul,kay,ulum,kerol,along dan juga dia'rul(sbnarnya dtg dri adik arul)....
Nama pena online aku lak adalah darkriez dan kayrule.
Im the first son in my family
Warna kegemaran adalah merah,hitam dan putih.
Baju yang digemari adalah t-shirt yang mempunyai 2 corak atau 3 corak sahaja.
Seluar yg suka dan selesa dipakai adalah seluar jeans la..heheee..
Kuih kegemaran adalah kuih keria dan kuih cara manis.
Minuman kegemaran pula adalah milo campur laici,jus tembikai susu,dan minuman sphyru Keluaran HR.
assalamualaikum semua...
hari ni ak tak tau la nak tulis entri tentang apa..btw ak akan cuba menulis..sbb bila aku mula menulis baru idea tu datang dgn sendiri...baru baru ni ada report mngatakan blog aku ni tak ak tak tau apa yang dikatakan dengan tak matured tu??? bg ak komen dari
lovelygurl dan seorang pnulis blogger
gdiamy1 iaitu blog aku berterabur dan mungkin maksud mereka tidak kemas....anyway aku akan cuba buat yang terbaik..kerana aku bukan sahaja mahu yang terbaik untuk blog aku..tapi aku nak menjadi seorang blogger yang mesra dengan blogger2 yang lain..tak kira la yang baru ataupun yang dah tahap 'OTAI'..kerana bagi aku dunia blogging ni tiada sempadan kecuali kita sendiri yang kalau korang ada apa apa cdgn mahupun kritikan....sila la bgtau aku..aku ni sedia menerima keritikan dan pndapat korang semua...ingat aku ni jenis terbuka terhadap apa jua keadaan....dan lagi satu..jika ada request tentang movie atau pun perisian..sila la bagtau aku..mana tau aku boleh tolong korng dapat cari link muat turunnya...
ok lah itu jek yang aku nk tulis pada entri kali ni....

Poker King ain't great, but at least it seems more like a Hong Kong movie than most of the stuff that gets made nowadays. The La Lingerie team of Chan Hing-Ka and Janet Chun co-directed this nostalgic star vehicle, loaded with gambling scenes, silly overacting, and more face time for its photogenic stars than any film truly needs. The trade-off: a coherent or convincing storyline and characters that make sense. Really, if one were to give their full critical appraisal of Poker King, then "crap" is probably one of the likely words you'd hear. However, Poker King does live up to its populist expectations, and amuses in that cheesy, lets-not-take-ourselves-too-seriously way that Hong Kong Cinema was once famous for. People seeking a quality experience will not be happy with this trashy commercial film, but just as many people will be sufficiently amused. That's just how these things work.

Deu (Jija Yanin) meets three masters of drunken martial arts -- "Dog Shit", "Pig Shit", and Sanim, when they foil an attempt to abduct her. She convinces them to train her in their martial arts style, and learns that they have come together to defeat the Jaguar Gang, who abduct "special" young women. She falls for Sanim while he trains her--but learns that he is still in love with Pai--his fiancee who was abducted by the Jaguar Gang three years before, during what was supposed to be their wedding.

More Chinese costume capers arrive in the form of “Adventure of the King”, another screen adaptation of the classic play ‘The Matching of Dragon and Phoenix’. The film was directed by Chung Shue Kai, who recently co-helmed the TVB-Shaw Brothers outing “72 Tenants of Prosperity”, and previously worked on broad comedies such as “”Beauty and the 7 Beasts” and “Nine Girls And A Ghost”. The second in Chinastar’s ongoing ambitious 5510 production plan, the film is actually a follow up of sorts to “Flirting Scholar 2”, being cut very much from the same cloth, not only in terms of setting and humour, but in that it also features a lot of the same supporting cast members and characters. Headlining the wackiness this time is Richie Jen (who also gets the chance to briefly cameo his role from “Flirting Scholar 2”), with an appealing female lead in the always cute and chirpy Barbie Hsu (also in “Hot Summer Days” and “Connected”).
15 lagu top ten di dalam ingatan

1)kotak-masih cinta(lagu ni ada kuar ketika member aku bawa keta masa aku nak balik hantar barang sebelum ak praktikal di johor.waktu ni aku,kawa

n baik aku dan adik angkat aku ade sekali)
2)coldplay-clock(lagu pertama yang aku dengar dari radio pertama yang aku beli dengan duit ak sendiri)
3)all american reject-move along

4)the killers-somebody told me
5)3oh!3 feat. katy perry - starstrukk
6)Hoobstank - The Reason
7)JoJo - Too Little Too Late

assalamualakum semua,
goodbye feb 2011
hari ni adalah hari pertama dalam bulan mac,so masih takde pencpaian terbaik yang aku nak banggakan untuk bulan ak berharap untuk bulan mac ni ak berjaya menyimpan sebanyak rm 350...sebab bulan lepas aku berjaya mnyimpan setakat rm 150 doakan aku